Today I had to drop by my doctor’s office to get a prescription updated. While I was there he took a quick look at my profile since my last visit. The last time I saw him he had ordered some thorough blood work for me after I had caught a stomach bug. He just wanted to make sure it wasn’t something more serious, being the conscientious doctor that he is.

The Results Are In...

After doing a quick review of my tests, he wanted to share the findings. As per the usual procedure, I had never heard back about the results from them as no issues had come up. The stomach bug unceremoniously cleared up and life went on. But my doctor now seemed quite interested in the results from those tests, so I became curious about what he had to say.

“As usual, you are in great health, but what’s really interesting is just how healthy,” he began.

He continued on to tell me that my levels of healthy cholesterol were amazingly high and that I had a “heart health” of someone 8 years younger than me. My risk of heart problems was in the lowest tier of risk. I

These blood tests were done at the end of October, after I had started intermittent fasting 8 months prior, and soon after adopted a low-carb, keto lifestyle. The tests also said I had a low risk developing diabetes and healthy thyroid. The good news continued as he measured my current blood pressure, which was also strong.

Support from My Family Physician, A Western Medical Doctor

I told him how pleased I was with the news, especially after having been through such a big lifestyle change. I explained how I was eating high-fat, low-carb and that I had faced a number of people’s concerns that it could lead to heart problems. My doctor said he was not surprised to hear of my lifestyle change, based on my test results, saying that if anything, as long as I am more focused on healthier fats (which I do), research suggests that my dietary lifestyle actually promotes heart health. I was pleased that my doctor, even though he is closing in on retirement age, he is still staying up to date and reviewing new research to best serve his patients.

It’s important to work with a family doctor whom you trust as your primary professional health care provider. The trick is to find one that you believe in. Not all doctors are equal, Western or otherwise. Knowing their approach and their mindset toward health care is important to make sure it is in line with your own.

Exploring What Healthy Nutrition Means to You

I don’t pretend to have all the answers. I know that no matter what research says, individual physiology and genetics does play a role and that what works for one in terms of healthy nutrition, may not work for another. Also, your body and its needs change over time. That’s why I do my best to stay open to new ideas and try to look at new concepts as they emerge, even before they necessarily have the backing of sound research.

Trying things out and seeing how your body responds is part of the experimental method, but know that there is more to it than just how it makes you feel. There can be others things going on beneath the surface that go beyond what you feel. That’s why medical testing like derailed blood work can be an important tool to make sure your body is keeping healthy as you try new things.

Over to you. Have you had blood tests done since going on a low-carb diet over a long period? What did your own tests show? If you feel comfortable and think it might be helpful to others to share, please leave your thoughts in the comments. :)